What is FACT?
FACT (Fredericksburg Area Council on Transition) is a collaborative group of community members whose mission is to support individuals with disabilities as they transition from secondary education to independent adult life. FACT began in 2002, presenting the Greater Fredericksburg area's biennial transition conference and information fair.
FACT meets virtually each month throughout the school year. Please call your local Parent Resource Center or the disAbility Resource Center for details if you would like to join us!
Spotsylvania - (540) 582-7060
Stafford - (540) 899-6000
disAbility Resource Center - (540) 373-2559
Every exit is an entrance to someplace else.
Our Mission
Through collaboration and educational efforts with students, families, local school agencies, service providers, employers, and other community members, FACT (Fredericksburg Area Council on Transition) will educate and support individuals with disabilities, their families, and community members regarding transition from the educational environment to employment integration and independent living in the community.

Our Vision
Individuals will achieve meaningful employment, community integration, and independent living to the greatest extent possible.